ISPWP 國際專業婚禮攝影師協會(資料來源:ISPWP官方網頁)
國際專業婚禮攝影師協會(ISPWP)是一種罕見的婚禮攝影組織。 攝影師不能只用金錢購買成為 ISPWP成員,他們只能用用專業的能力去贏得資格。 我們的要求是有經驗,天份和專業精神的人。 做為一位能被ISPWP接受的攝影師,他必須拍攝至少50場以上的婚禮,並提交他的作品進行審查,同意組織的規章,且有ISPWP會員的推薦背書或是符合四項資格。 然後經過現役的會員投票通過才能正式成為會員。 總而言之,當你聘請 ISPWP攝影師時,你是聘請了有天份、經驗老到,且經過認證充滿熱情的專業攝影師來紀錄您流傳一世的婚禮影像!
申請程序有助於確保 ISPWP成員符合要求的經驗,人才,誠信和專業精神。 每個應用程序認真審查,審批小組的成員是由當前 ISPWP成員。 他們評估每個申請人根據以下標準:
經驗 申請人必須有至少50個拍攝婚禮作為主要負責攝影師。 婚禮拍攝作為標記,一直以來,第二,或備份攝影師不計。 這是起碼的經驗要求,許多 ISPWP成員紛紛出手上百婚禮與幾十年的經驗。 我們的一些成員是普利策獎入圍和獲獎者。 人才 申請者必須提交他們的網站和結婚畫廊進行審查和評價。 在線畫廊必須表現出藝術和技術的能力。 投資組合必須包括至少三個美術館描繪覆蓋三個獨立的婚禮。 這使得評估小組的成員批准申請人如何拍攝婚禮從開始到結束。 如果提交的畫廊只顯示選定的最愛,從各種多重婚禮,或者如果他們只限於創意新娘婚紗人像,沒有其他的覆蓋範圍,申請將被拒絕。 誠信 申請人必須有沒有優秀的投訴與消費者保護組織,如商業改進局。 專業申請者必須同意在按照操作ISPWP 行為準則 。 該標準的做法,在行為規範同時保護攝影師和客戶端,並提供給客戶的保證,他們所處理的業務與專業倫理的最高標準。 參考文獻申請人必須是由現有 ISPWP贊助成員,或者必須提交兩個客戶參考和兩個婚禮攝影師引用。 這提供證據,以他們的敬業精神,聲譽和經驗。
What is the ISPWP?
The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers is an organization of the best wedding photographers in the world. It was created by professional photographers to raise the standards of the wedding photography profession.
We are a resource for wedding clients who know they want to hire the best and the brightest for their wedding. When you hire an ISPWP member, you are hiring one of the most respected, professional and talented wedding photographers in the industry.
There are many online directories of wedding photographers. Some of them have hundreds, even thousands of photographers. That sounds great because there are so many to choose from! But most of these directories have little or no criteria for membership, they are simply paid advertising links that may include photographers with zero experience and unknown backgrounds who have simply paid the directory’s advertising fee.
Each and every ISPWP member has passed a rigorous application process and is recognized by their peers to be at the top of their field.
Why should you hire an ISPWP member photographer?
There are a lot of new wedding photographers flooding the market, and the number is growing steadily. However, wedding photography is a demanding profession and provides a host of challenges even for experienced photographers. Wedding photography requires adapting quickly to uncontrolled lighting situations, and dealing with unexpected equipment failures in a situation with no second chances.
You have to get it right the first time, every time. You have to be a master of the craft and know your gear so well that you can make adjustments on the fly, without thinking or hesitating. And you have to do it for 8, 10, or 12 hours in close quarters with clients who have put their trust in you to get it right. In this kind of work environment, experience is essential to delivering beautiful images on a consistent basis, week after week.
So how do you know your photographer has enough experience? How do you know they operate their business according to professional business practices?
That’s where the ISPWP comes in. We screen and review every member before their application is accepted. When you hire an ISPWP photographer, you can be confident that they have years of experience, they have shot a LOT weddings in a wide variety of situations, and they subscribe to a professional code of conduct. They truly are the best in the world and each one of them has dedicated their professional lives to their craft. In short, we’ve done the searching and screening for you.
Membership Requirements
Professional photographers of all styles are welcome to apply for membership: Photojournalists, Traditionalists, Neo-Romanticists, Fashion-Inspired, Fine Art Cinematic style, or whatever label you give yourself. However, no matter what your photography style, the ISPWP maintains high standards for membership based on experience, talent, integrity, professionalism and references:
Experience: Members must have photographed a minimum of 50 weddings as the primary in-charge photographer. Weddings shot as a tag-along, second, or backup photographer do not count. This is the minimum experience requirement, many ISPWP members have shot hundreds of weddings.
Talent: Members must submit a website/blog/portfolio for review by a panel of ISPWP members. Online portfolio galleries must demonstrate artistic and technical ability. The portfolio must display a minimum of three galleries of complete weddings. Galleries that only display “selected favorites” from multiple weddings will be rejected.
Professionalism: Members must operate in accordance with the ISPWP Code of Conduct. This protects both the photographer and the client, and provides assurance to the client they are dealing with a professional who takes their business seriously.
References: Members must submit 2 client references, and 2 peer photographer references, or be sponsored by an existing ISPWP member.
How is the ISPWP different from other wedding photographer directories?
We’re picky. Most online wedding photography directories are simply glorified yellow pages that anyone can join if they simply pay the fee. With many of the online directories, experienced pros could be listed alongside someone who just bought their first camera, took a few pictures at their cousin’s wedding, and put up a website. The ISPWP is an exclusive organization of truly experienced professionals for discerning clientele. Our requirements in the areas of experience, talent, integrity, and professionalism set us apart. We will never compromise our standards just to get more members. If that means we remain small and exclusive, so be it.
How Do Photographers Apply for Membership?
The link to the ISPWP application form is on the ISPWP homepage (scroll down)
WPJA 國際婚慶攝影記者協會(資料來源:WPJA官方網頁)
自2002年以來一直WPJA頭號信任的來源為最佳婚禮攝影記者在世界上。公認的卓越領導新娘婚禮刊物,包括雜誌,WPJA是一個國際網絡,大力審核工作的專業攝影師經常判斷獲獎的攝影記者(包括許多普利策獎得主)和新聞圖片編輯。與正在進行的策展視野協會確定的新興人才,使我們的人才庫的新鮮和前沿。該 WPJA致力於堅持最高的標準,創造性的婚禮攝影,同時促進最佳業務實踐。
信託 |精度|保證卓越|獨家 |最佳業務實踐Since 2002 the WPJA has been the number one trusted source for the best wedding photojournalists in the world. Recognized for excellence by leading wedding publications including BRIDES magazine, the WPJA is an international network of vigorously vetted professional photographers whose work is regularly judged by award-winning photojournalists (including many Pulitzer Prize-winners) and news photo editors. With ongoing curatorial vision the association identifies emerging talent, keeping our talent pool fresh and cutting edge. The WPJA is dedicated to upholding the highest standards in creative wedding photojournalism while promoting best business practices.
To us capturing honest moments matters. So do integrity, trust and creativity. Our mission is to guarantee consumers the most extensive and exclusive network of award-winning wedding photographers available anywhere. And our promise to members is a beneficial fraternity in an elite group of the finest wedding photographers in the world.
To achieve our mission, the WPJA only accepts into membership gifted, honest wedding photojournalists who work tirelessly to deliver excellent photography to their clients. We also sponsor semi-annual competitions to inspire photographers and illustrate for consumers how transformational truly great wedding photojournalism can be.
Trust | Accuracy | Guaranteed Excellence | Exclusivity | Best Business Practices
AG|WPJA 國際藝術婚禮攝影師協會(資料來源:AG|WPJA官方網頁)
婚禮攝影記者協會股份公司藝術協會 AG | WPJA是由優秀的婚禮攝影師,誰在婚紗攝影行業的前列,當談到增強圖像。該公司的主要目標 AG| WPJA是為會員提供一個平台,讓最優秀的增強,操縱和/或在世界藝術婚紗攝影新聞被關注和推廣為新娘和新郎。
AG| WPJA是婚慶攝影記者協會(WPJA)的一個獨立部門。而WPJA堅持,禁止過度的圖片操作,該公司嚴格指引| WPJA鼓勵和促進創造性的圖像增強,與推動美術婚禮攝影記者的眼光。
AG| WPJA確立和堅持這是在為我們的婚禮攝影比賽評審過程考慮的高水準。利用一切藝術手段在他們的處置,成員巧妙地活躍在後期製作處理自己的工作。
The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association AG|WPJA is comprised of outstanding wedding photographers, who are at the forefront of the wedding photography industry when it comes to enhancing images. The chief objective of the AG|WPJA is to provide members with a platform where the finest enhanced, manipulated and/or artistic wedding photojournalism in the world is spotlighted and promoted for the bride and groom.
The AG|WPJA is a separate division of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA). Whereas the WPJA upholds strict guidelines that forbid excessive picture manipulation, the AG|WPJA encourages and fosters creative image enhancement, with the vision of promoting Fine Art Wedding Photojournalists.
The AG|WPJA establishes and upholds high standards that are taken into consideration during the judging process for our wedding photography contests. Using all artistic tools at their disposal, members skillfully enliven their work in post production processing.